We hope you enjoy the current special edition, dedicated to the international Restorative Justice Week 2016. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: newsflash@euforumrj.org.
If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign up on the EFRJ website!
If you missed the previous editions, click here! |

The International RJ WEEK will take place on 20-27 November 2016. Also this year, the EFRJ is organising aseries of events in Leuven on the main theme ‘Arts, Storytelling and Justice‘. If you cannot join us, we invite you to get involved by sharing your own RJ story or your own RJ event with us! The EFRJ website will be a platform for sharing events going on across Europe and beyond during this week: keep us informed! |

Stories are the fabric of our social lives. We live in stories all day long; we use stories to organise the chaos of our lives. We dream of stories and we tell them when we meet with others; stories make us feel less alone. Some stories need a lot of courage to be told and, if shared, they can be the lenses for our listeners to re-discover themselves, provoking an inner transformation and possible social change.
In addition to sharing your own stories, we invite you to organise a public or private event related to RJ and/or to attend an event organised in your area. These events will be disseminated via the EFRJ website and social media, as we did in the previous years. Find below a list of events already visible on the EFRJ website!
21 November, Brussels: the EFRJ organises a Master-Class on Theatre as a Restorative Tool. More info here.23 November, Brussels: the EFRJ organises a Cartoon Workshop for drawing restorative stories. More info here.24 November, Leuven: Moderator (the Flemish RJ services) organises a conference on the implications of the Victims Directive. More info here.25 November, Leuven: the EFRJ organises a Digital Storytelling Workshop. More info here. |
21 November, Paris: the French platform ‘Citoyens et Justice’ is organising a conference on RJ. More info here. |
25 November, Ferrara: a RJ day will be part of the master programme ‘Tutela e Diritti dei Minori’ (master on children’ rights). More info here. |
24-25 November, Belgrade: the Victimology Society of Serbia is organizing its 7th conference ‘Security and victimization: Challenges of social reaction and victims’ protection’. More info here. |
22 November, London: the Restorative Justice Council (RJC) is organising its Annual General Meeting 2016, including a conference in the afternoon. More info here. |
21-22 November, Halifax, Nova Scotia: National Restorative Justice Symposium. More info here.24 November, Victoria: Presentation on ‘Metaphor and Spirit in Restorative Justice Practice’ by Jody Collins. More info here. |
Each of us is a storyteller. We perceive ourselves through stories, we give meaning to our lives through stories, we like to appear to others through stories. As ‘time’ is less and less, ‘things’ more and more, relations thinner and thinner, our stories are slowly disappearing. Certainly for others, we have no more stories. Categories have replaced them: easy, efficient, neat. I have many nightmares, but certainly living among beings without stories is one of them. My plea today is for reading less news, less theory, less mails, less sms, and returning to our novels, to our poetry, to our letters, to our grandmothers, and to ourselves for more stories. This alone will not save the world, but maybe the word should spread out that we are not looking for salvation.
(Brunilda Pali, 2016)