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  • EFRJ Newsletter Vol.19 Number 2 June 2018  EDITORIAL Kerry Clamp, chair of the editorial committee, introduces this 2nd edition of the EFRJ Newsletter 2018 (scroll down to download the full issue), starting by remembering the beautiful week we spent in Tirana on the occasion of the 10th international EFRJ conference. In September, a special issue of the […]

  • EFRJ Newsflash June 2018 Special edition on #efrj2018 conference in Tirana We hope you enjoy the current edition. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign […]

  • Gentili genitori, manca davvero poco all’avvio delle Vacanze Montessori ed è tempo di fare le iscrizioni! Vi informiamo che il centro estivo “Le vacanze Montessori” sarà aperto da lunedì 11 giugno, tutto luglio, ad agosto resterà chiuso le due settimane centrali (dal 13 al 24) e a settembre sarà aperto la prima settimana (fino al […]

  • Il progetto Equitazione integrata è giunto al termine e noi della Cooperativa Sociale C.E.A.S. volevamo cogliere l’occasione per ringraziare di cuore il Rotary Club Monterotondo Mentana e l’A.S.D. IPPOFARM Onlus che hanno reso possibile la magnifica riuscita dello stesso. La guida di esperti e professionisti del  settore ha permesso ai nostri ragazzi di avvicinarsi al […]

  • EFRJ Newsflash May 2018 (I) We hope you enjoy the current edition. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign up on the EFRJ website! If […]

  • EFRJ Newsflash April 2018- Special edition RJ events We hope you enjoy the current edition. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign up on the EFRJ […]

  • Una proposta concreta per sostenere i giovani tra i 18 ed i 29 anni che si trovino a vivere, per diversi motivi una condizione di svantaggio sociale. La Cooperativa Sociale C.E.A.S., in partenariato con la cooperativa Sociale A.S.So. e la cooperativa sociale We Can, hanno avviato il progetto So. Sha – Social Sharing, finanziato dalla […]

  • EFRJ Newsflash March 2018 (III) Special edition Conference Tirana #EFRJ2018 We hope you enjoy the current edition. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign up […]

  • EFRJ Newsflash March 2018 (II) Special edition Conference Tirana #EFRJ2018 We hope you enjoy the current edition. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign up […]

  • EFRJ Newsflash March 2018 (I) We hope you enjoy the current edition. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign up on the EFRJ website! If […]

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